First Fix - Plasterboarding


Hall, laundry and loo (back, right).


Dining room


Kitchen (well, breakfast room).

Temporary kitchen installed (this is the 3rd time I’ve put this kitchen in!)...

Dining room ceiling plaster boarded out and (french-bought) loft hatch No 1 installed.


03/03/06 - Kitchen ceiling plaster boarded out.  Just above the ceiling at the end nearest the camera you can see the hatch cut through the SIP panel to access the loft above the kitchen via french loft hatch No 2 which will be in the study ceiling..

01/03/06 - First sheet of 15mm plasterboard about to be fixed in the dining room.

11/10/06 - Chimney nearly plasterboarded out.  Oak lintel and brick piers either side to follow ...

Stud wall between hall and first floor loo looking towards the loo and back door.

Stud wall between lounge and dining room looking towards the dining room.


20/02/06 - Stud wall between lounge and first floor hall looking towards the hall and back door.

Stud wall between kitchen and study looking towards the study.

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